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4 PM – Intro To Java – William

February 10, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Gamas sub

Today We Did
  1. We continued with Monster Inheritance.
  2. We started adding code for play game menu.
  3. We display play game menu along with monster list.
  4. We were able to validate if the monster species that user enters exists in our system.
  1. Continue with Monster Inheritance, particularly continue with Play game menu to enable player to find any monster using sword attack. Attacking monster will decrease monster health. This is very similar to Bank System withdrawal feature in your quiz. The player will attack monster with attack point between 10 to 50. The monster will retaliate with attack between 10 to its max attack.
  2. Please select from one of the following
    1. Add new monster
    2. List all monsters
    3. Play the game
    Enter your selection (enter "exit" to quit): 3
    Enter player's name: Gamas
    Enter player's health: 100
    Gamas has 100 health remaining.
    Please select one of the following monsters:
    - TROLL - Health: 5, 60 Max Attack
    - DRAGON - Health: 100, 100 Max Attack
    - WATER GOLEM - Health: 50, 65 Max Attack
    Enter the monster species (enter 'exit' to quit): water golem
    What do you want to do with the WATER GOLEM:
    1. Magic attack
    2. Sword attack
    3. Arrow attack
    4. Heal Monster
    Enter your selection:2
    You attacked the Water Golem and caused 20 damage and it has 30 healths remaining.
    The Water Golem attacked the player with 28 attack.
  3. Also when the system system starts, automatically add 3 monsters
    1. Troll, 80 HP, max attack – 60
    2. Dragon, 100 HP, max attack – 100
    3. Water Golem, 70 HP, max attack of 65.


February 10, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights