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7 PM – Advanced Python Game Development – Sebastian

July 16, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Today We Did

  1. Modify Turret to follow your mouse
  2. Add animation to the Tank
  3. Find the code for the Tank Game here: 
  4. AYC Logic’s observed holidays:
  5. In case you need anything, please email me at
1. Create a file called for the Bullet class which:
    a. uses the assets/Bullet.png for the image
    b. move to the left at a speed of 5
2. In main, create the bullet_group. 
3. In a new function called handle_player_bullet_creation: If you click with your mouse, create a new bullet and add it to the group. You can use the tank's location for where the bullet starts for now. Only allow the player to create a new bullet every 2 seconds (add a timer)


July 16, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights