American Young Coder (AYC)

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5 PM – Intro to Python – Shawn

Today We Did: Homework review If else, input from shell, string review Your HW: Copy pages 114 to 116 from the book If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate toRead More...

5 PM – Intro To Python – Gamas

Homework Modify draw_square function. Add one more parameter: fill. When the "fill" parameter is True, then do the begin_fill() and end_fill(). When it is False, then do not do begin_fill() and end_fill().Read More...

6 PM – Scratch 2 – Yitong

What we did today We continued working on the Super Market project. We made a shopping cart list. We gave prices to all the food items. Homework Add one more category toRead More...

6PM – Digital Illustration 1

TUESDAY Today we continued the Squirt Turtle project. Finished sketch Finished lines by following the sketch and using the reference image Homework: Make your lines nicer if they are messy Use theRead More...

6:30 PM – Scratch Level 1 – Allison

Today We: Continued the Animal Crossing project Coded sprites to move up, left, and down while switching costumes Coded sprites to point in a specific direction Coded the Dot sprite to sayRead More...

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