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7 PM – Python Game Dev – Gamas

February 7, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Today We Did
  1. We continued with Shooting Balloon project
    1. We added the sound effects when popping the bad and good balloon.
    2. We enabled bug dizzy mode.
  2. We reviewed each person personal project.
  1. The final project is due next week Feb 14 make sure your final project has the following
    1. Landing page.
    2. Credit page.
    3. Game In Session page
    4. Game Lose page.
    5. Game Win page.
    6. sound effect.
    7. Animation for your player and or enemies character.
    8. background sound.


February 7, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights