Coding Courses Road Map

3rd to 5th Grades

For students who are currently in the 3rd to 5th grades, they can take Scratch coding courses:

  1. Introduction to computer coding using Scratch: 3rd to 5th grades
  2. Scratch Level 1
    1. Price: $20 / hour or $80 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Prerequisites: 3rd grade and up or completion of Introduction to computer coding using Scratch.
    4. Learn to create animation.
    5. Learn to create electronic greeting cards.
    6. Learn to create games.
    7. Learn to create augmented reality games.
    8. Learn to create sprites and clones
    9. Learn how broadcast and listener coding strategy would help application.
  3. Scratch Level 2 
    1. Price: $20 / hour or $80 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Prerequisites: 5th grade and up or completion of Scratch Level 1
    4. Learn to create complex games such as spaceship firing fireball, bomb, asteroids.
    5. Learn to create 2 players fighting games with powerup, and health.
    6. Learn to create 2 players race cars games.
    7. Learn to create maze game.
    8. Learn to create custom block/function.

6th Grade and Up

Students who are currently in the 6th grade or up, can take the following coding courses:

  1. Introduction to Python 
    1. Price: $25 / hour or $100 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Learn Variables and Data Types
    4. Learn about conditional statements
    5. Learn about control flows
    6. Learn about functions.
    7. Learn about Random Python module.
      1. Create Magic 8 Ball game.
      2. Create hangman game.
    8. Learn about Turtle Python module to do drawing in Python.
      1. Create robot builder project.
      2. Create kaleido spiral project.
    9. Create individual Turtle projects:
    10. Create Grocerry Shopping Cart simple program.
    11. Create Robux simple program.
  2. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python
    1. Price: $25 / hour or $100 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Learn about OOP concept.
      1. Class
      2. Methods
      3. Attributes
      4. Constructor
    4. Learn about Inheritance.
    5. Learn how to design programs using OOP technique / strategy
      1. School Application that would track students and teachers informations.
      2. Adventure Game that would track player’s and monsters’ health and attack points and damages. Utilized class inheritance.
    6. This is a necessary course to prepare them for Python Game Development class.
    7. Learn how to use a popular Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Pycharm.
  3. Python Game Development using Pygame.
    1. Price: $30 / hour or $120 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python.
    4. Learn how to use GIT repository.
    5. Learn to create dragon vs bird game.
    6. Learn to create flappy bird game.
    7. Learn to create shooting game.
    8. Create individual custom game.
    9. Checkout games created by my students:
  4. Advanced Python Game Development
    1. Price: $30 / hour OR $120 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Prerequisites: Python Game Development
    4. Learn how to use GIT repository
    5. Learn how to utilize high school level trigonometry to find angle of trajectory in sprite movement.
    6. Learn how to use open source artificial intelligence (AI) library to control computer character movement.
    7. Learn how to utilize class inheritance in Object Oriented Programming concept.

  1. Introduction to Java
    1. Price: $30 / hour or $120 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Data types
    4. Control Flows
      1. if else statements
      2. loops: for loop, while loop
    5. Collection API:
      1. List
      2. Map
    6. Object Oriented Programming:
      1. Classes, Objects and Methods
      2. Inheritance
    7. Create a simple Android Application
    8. Utilize Intelligence Java Editor and Android Studio.
  2. Java Minecraft Modding
    1. Price: $30 / hour OR $120 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Create custom sword that never breaks and 10X stronger than diamond sword.
    4. Create custom axe that can summon lightning to nearby enemies.
    5. Create custom axe that can launch fireball.
    6. Create custom arrow that can call lightning to target enemies.
    7. Create recipe to create custom items.
    8. Create custom skins.
  3. Android Mobile Game Development using Java
    1. Price: $30 / hour or $120 / month (4 weeks in a month)
    2. Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class
    3. Learn how to use Android Studio.
    4. Learn how to create Android application.
    5. Learn how to move sprites/characters in Android canvas.
    6. Learn Android constraint layout.
    7. Learn Android UI components such as Button, TextView, CheckBox.
    8. Learn how to store information on Android device.

Competitive Programming

  1. Introduction To Competitive Programming
    1. Price: Call to (626) 532-7844
    2. This is an advanced coding program specifically designed to prepare students to participate in USA Coding Olympiad (USACO) competition.
    3. Here students will learn different computer algorithms and data structures.
    4. Students will learn to solve complex problems within short period of times.
  2. USA Coding Olympiad (USACO) – Bronze training
  3. USA Coding Olympiad (USACO) – Silver training
  4. USA Coding Olympiad (USACO) – Gold training

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