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4 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

June 17, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

What We Did Today:

  1. Made a Robux System similar to BankSystem but with the ability to add money balance to make purchases.
  2. Learnt about the global keyword which is used for a function to know about variables outside of it.


Work on your final project! It is due NEXT WEEK!

At this point you should be 75% done with your project.

You need to make 25% progress on your final project each week, starting today, and that means you want to be done with at least 2 objects per week. You can send the file into the google drive when you are done and then send me an email so I can check your progress and correct you on any mistakes.

You need to refer to this website for the final project details, and YOU MUST meet all of the requirements:

And for inspiration, you can check out other students projects!


You can contact me via for any questions or concerns.


June 17, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
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